Day Skills Intervention

Day Skills Intervention

The goal of Day Skills Intervention is to reduce recidivism by helping youths acquire the skills to successfully function in their homes, schools, and communities.

The program helps youth to:

  • Access community resources that support a youth’s educational, vocational,and medical/treatment needs
  • Identify community supports and identify previous skills learned
  • Build skills to reduce criminogenic needs that are identified in the needs assessment service plan
  • Use proven skill building strategies
  • Meet educational needs including credit recovery and educational assessment

Day Skills Intervention:

provides responsive support to youth during the school day, includes education, evidence based groups, family support services and skills development for court-involved youth.

Evidence Based Curricula Include:

Carey Guides, Seeking Safety, ADAPT, Casey Life Skills, Case Planning tool, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT).
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Programming Offered:

  • Skills Based Groups: resume writing/interviewing, job applications, finances, meal preparation, and food purchasing. In addition youths can participate in other location-specific programs.
  • Vocational Training and Certifications: on-site employment skills to include: Microsoft, Serve Safe, Food Handlers, OSHA, Fire Extinguisher, Flagger, and certification for completion of any of the evidence-based groups noted here.
  • Education: is provided on-site through the local school districts.
  • Restitution/Work: youth will receive support from staff to pay restitution obligations, or find gainful employment to help youths save funds for future needs such as college or independent living.
  • Clinical Support: In partnership with the Local Mental Health Authority, DSI provides evidence-based therapy in substance use disorder for acute and ongoing therapeutic needs as indicated by assessment or as defined by the Utah Juvenile Court.
  • Family Involvement: Day Skills Intervention encourages parents and families to play an active role in treatment through Child & Family Team Meetings, weekly updates and home visits from our staff. We also provide referrals to Families First for ongoing evidence-based family support in the youth’s home where identified.

Target Population

Moderate to high-risk youths, ages 14-18, who lack the skills to function appropriately in a school setting. Eligibility for the Day Skills Intervention Program will be determined by screening with referring agency.

Length of Stay

Length of stay in the program is individualized for each youth and will be between 30 and 120 days.

Exclusionary Criteria

Include but not limited to active psychosis, actively suicidal, assaultive towards peers and sexually acting out or identified as low risk on the Prescreen Risk Assessment and Protective Risk Assessment.