Juvenile Receiving Centers

Juvenile Receiving Centers

Juvenile Receiving Centers (JRC) are located across the state for law enforcement officers to drop off arrested, delinquent, ungovernable, or runaway youth who do not meet admission guidelines for secure detention. These centers operate in partnership with the Division of Juvenile Justice and Youth Services, the Division of Child and Family Services, law enforcement, the Juvenile Court, and local communities. Upon receiving a youth, center workers immediately attempt to contact the youth’s parent (s) or guardian (s). They evaluate the youth’s immediate needs for security and care, and make referrals for services when appropriate.

Desired Outcome:

  • Law enforcement officer will return to duty within 20 minutes of admitting a youth to a JRC.
  • Youth is assessed for immediate needs.
  • Youth and family referrals for services are made.

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Juvenile Receiving Centers

Juvenile Receiving Center staff work to find parents/guardians, evaluate the youth's immediate needs for care, and refer youth for services.

There are 11 JRCs across the state. New locations will be opened in Davis County and Tooele.

Target Population

Youths, ages 10-17, who are charged with delinquent offenses, are ungovernable or are in-state runaways.

Exclusionary Criteria:

Includes, but not limited to, active psychosis, actively suicidal, assaultive towards peers, sexually acting out, or under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs to the degree that they cannot respond coherently.

Receiving Center Service Model:

  1. Law enforcement admits youth to juvenile receiving center

  2. Center worker interviews and assesses youth

  3. Center worker discusses problem areas with a youth’s parent or guardian

  4. Center worker reviews intervention options with the family

  5. Referrals are made (e.g., parenting classes, youth services and community resources)