- 01-01 Development, Coordination, and Approval of Policy and Procedures opens in a new tab
- 01-02 Code of Ethics opens in a new tab
- 01-02A Code of Ethics Staff Statement of Understanding Form opens in a new tab
- 01-02-1 Code of Ethics for Volunteers opens in a new tab
- 01-02-1 Code of Ethics for – Volunteers Statement of Understanding opens in a new tab
- 01-03 Volunteers opens in a new tab
- 01-04 Research and Evaluation Bureau opens in a new tab
- 01-05 Legal Assistance opens in a new tab
- 01-06 Incentive Awards opens in a new tab
- 01-07 Operations Manual opens in a new tab
- 01-08 Canine in JJYS Facilities Programs opens in a new tab
- 01-09 Dress Code opens in a new tab
- 01-11 Community Relations opens in a new tab
- 01-12 Juvenile Food Service opens in a new tab
- 01-14 Use of Personal Electronic Devices opens in a new tab
- 01-15 Donations opens in a new tab
- 01-16 Peer Support Team Policy opens in a new tab
- 01-17 JJYS Telework Policy opens in a new tab
- 03-01 Use of Electronic Devices opens in a new tab
- 03-02 Clinical Use of Polygraph opens in a new tab
- 03-02A Polygraph Informed Consent Form opens in a new tab
- 03-03 Intake Screening opens in a new tab
- 03-03A Initial Health Screen opens in a new tab
- 03-03B Maysi-2 Decision Action Summary Form opens in a new tab
- 03-04 Community Service, Restitution and Fines opens in a new tab
- 03-05 Juvenile Wellness opens in a new tab
- 03-05A Juvenile Wellness Annual Report opens in a new tab
- 03-06 Non-Routine Activities opens in a new tab
- 03-06A Activity Informed Consent opens in a new tab
- 03-06B Activity Informed Consent – Spanish opens in a new tab
- 03-08 Detention Risk Assessment Tool opens in a new tab
- 03-08A Alternative to Detention Contract opens in a new tab
- 03-08A Alternativas A La Detencion Contracto opens in a new tab
- 04-02 Religious Programs opens in a new tab
- 04-02A Religious Orientation and Request Form opens in a new tab
- 04-02B Request for Religious Accommodation opens in a new tab
- 04-03 Resident Mail opens in a new tab
- 04-04 Telephone Access opens in a new tab
- 04-05 Juvenile Property Control opens in a new tab
- 04-05A Property Inventory opens in a new tab
- 04-06 Visitation opens in a new tab
- 04-07 Safety and Health Standards opens in a new tab
- 04-08 Youth Grievance Process opens in a new tab
- 04-08A Grievance Request Form opens in a new tab
- 04-08B Grievance Request Form – Spanish opens in a new tab
- 05-01 Warrants opens in a new tab
- 05-03 Suicide Prevention opens in a new tab
- 05-03A Watch/Removal Form opens in a new tab
- 05-03B Arresting Transporting Officer Questionnaire opens in a new tab
- 05-03C Transfer of Information Form opens in a new tab
- 05-05 Use of Seclusion opens in a new tab
- 05-05A Individual Room Checks – Monitoring Form opens in a new tab
- 05-05B Room Checks – Monitoring Form opens in a new tab
- 05-06 Use of Restraint Devices opens in a new tab
- 05-07 Use of Physical Intervention opens in a new tab
- 05-08 Staff Supervision Monitoring opens in a new tab
- 05-08A Group Room Checks – Monitoring Forms opens in a new tab
- 05-08B Room Checks – Monitoring opens in a new tab
- 05-09 Evidence opens in a new tab
- 05-09A Property Form opens in a new tab
- 05-09B Evidence Log opens in a new tab
- 05-09C Administrative Evidence Log opens in a new tab
- 05-10 Contraband opens in a new tab
- 05-12 Critical Incident After Action Process opens in a new tab
- 05-12A Debriefing Team Report opens in a new tab
- 05-12B APD Review Check List opens in a new tab
- 05-13 Fingerprints and Photographs opens in a new tab
- 05-14 Law Enforcement, Informants and Decoys opens in a new tab
- 05-14A Law Enforcement Interview Request opens in a new tab
- 05-15 Incident Reports opens in a new tab
- 05-15C Medical or Mental Health Incident Report Form opens in a new tab
- 05-16 Facility Access opens in a new tab
- 05-17 Specialized Interventions opens in a new tab
- 05-17A Specialized Medical or Mental Intervention Plan Form opens in a new tab
- 05-18 Law Enforcement Assistance opens in a new tab
- 08-01 Annual Review of Policy and Procedure opens in a new tab
- 08-02 Youth Parole Authority Case Files opens in a new tab
- 08-03 Youth Parole Hearings opens in a new tab
- 08-04 Guidelines of Length of Stay opens in a new tab
- 08-04A Suggested Length of Stay opens in a new tab
- 08-04B Aggravating and Mitigating Circumstances opens in a new tab
- 08-05 Individual Hearings opens in a new tab
- 08-06 Conditions of Parole opens in a new tab
- 08-07 Warrants of Retake opens in a new tab