School-Based Outreach
School-Based Outreach
School based services are designed to improve a youth’s attendance and academic performance as well as teach prosocial skills such as problem solving, peer refusal, and anger management. This service strives to promote each youth’s self-efficacy, competence, resilience, and belief in the future.
The program will:
- Teach problem solving, decision making, goal setting, and resiliency skills through quick interactive lessons in the school and community
- Establish collaborative relationships with outside agencies (Local Mental Health Authority, School District, Law Enforcement Agencies, DCFS, and Probation) to keep youth accountable and educate families about what resources are available in the community
- Mentor select youth and their families teaching skills such as positive-discipline, routine, responsibility, time management, rules and rewards, communication and creating wholesome traditions
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School Based Outreach
School Based Outreach provides in-school services, for moderate to high risk youths, and for youths at risk of being involved in Utah's juvenile justice system.
Evidence Based Curricula Include:
Strengthening Families, ADAPT, and Carey Guides.
Target Population
Moderate to high-risk youth, ages 12-17; DCFS youth with delinquency; Youths on 2nd and 3rd non-judicial referrals; youths with gang involvement or behavioral issues; youths with skills deficits or those with a need for increased community supervision.
Length of Stay
Length of stay in the program is individualized between 60-90 days
Exclusionary Criteria
Includes, but not limited to active psychosis or actively suicidal. Youth identified as low risk by the schools should not be referred.